The Hellenic Ornithological Society is an environmental, non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Greece, considering them as basic elements of Greek nature. Since 1982, HOS strives to ensure a sustainable environment for both birds and people. The work of the Organization includes conservation and research actions, awareness and education activities, as well as direct action for urgent issues of environmental law breach.

The goals of our Organization are:

  • Protecting birds and their habitats through monitoring, research and study of wild birds, as well as by promoting protected areas while working for a more sustainable and effective planning for their management and protection.
  • Raising the public’s awareness of the natural environment and wild birds, through environmental education and awareness-raising activities
  • Taking direct action in cases of infringements of the environmental legislation as well as the formulation and promotion of positions on critical environmental issues

HOS is the national partner of BirdLife International, the largest partnership for the protection of birds and their habitats in the world, with partners in more than 120 countries.


Below you may find HOS’ Strategic Plan for the years 2019-2023, as well as the Business Plan of the Organization, both of which correspond to actions that have been implemented during that period. The Expected Outcomes previously described as well as the risks and assumptions for the actions outlined are also included.



Our strategic plan Roula

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